Rep. Domb sees her primary responsibility as representing the interests, needs and priorities of the residents of the Amherst, precinct 1 and 2A in Granby. This representation includes constituent services which can take many forms.
Who We Serve
Our office is available to assist our constituents (residents of Amherst and precincts 1 and 2A in Granby) who need assistance with a state program or agency. Rep. Domb sees her role as your advocate and will work to make sure you receive every consideration, a timely decision, and clarification on decisions that impact you. If you are not a resident of Amherst or Granby, please reach out to your state legislator with requests for assistance. If you are not sure who your state legislator is, you can find out here.
What is constituent service?
- Offering assistance with state agencies or state programs (you can initiate this by reaching out to our office by email at mindy.domb@mahouse.gov or by phone at (413) 335-1362.
- Making a referral to a elected federal or local official, when appropriate.
- Sharing information on legislation and their status in the legislative process, and delivering constituent testimony on legislation to appropriate committees. It also involves supporting, advocating and working to advance legislation and a state budget that reflects our district’s priorities.
- Providing official House citations to constituents marking significant accomplishments and milestones. (Initiate this request by e-mailing our office at: mindy.domb@mahouse.gov)
- Being available to meet with constituents to learn about your concerns and the programs that are making a difference in our community (see our current community hours here or schedule an appointment with Rep. Domb or invite her to a tour or visit by emailing her at mindy.domb@mahouse.gov or calling our office at (413) 335-1362,
Reaching out to our office
When calling Representative Domb, please make sure to include your name, residential address, and a way for our office to connect with you (e-mail address, phone number, etc.)