From Rep. Domb and Senator Comerford in partnership with the Office of Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell, Thursday, Februarty 6 from 6pm to 7pm free webinar on the Unauthorized Practice of Immigration Law to help our immigrant neighbors avoid these costly scams.
You can register for the meeting here:…/register/Nc0TkUzpRluaIeJaqdlqsA. Translation services are available for Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Mandarin.
Background: The Unauthorized Practice of Immigration Law (UPIL) is a widespread problem in which dishonest individuals falsely disguise themselves as licensed attorneys and charge immigrants hundreds and thousands of dollars for immigration services, forms, or unlicensed legal advice. In order to prevent UPIL, the AGO created an educational training that covers proper legal representation for immigrants, the difference between legal advice from an immigration attorney vs unlicensed legal advice, immigration attorney scams and how to detect them, what to do if you become a victim of an immigration lawyer scam, and resources for legal help. It’s hoped that this training can help immigrants and their families avoid becoming a victim of UPIL.
The AG: Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbelll’s Office is an advocate and resource for the people of Massachusetts in many ways, including protecting consumers, combating fraud and corruption, investigating and prosecuting crime, and protecting the environment, workers, and civil rights. We’re so grateful to her and her office for making this information widely available to protect our immigrant neighbors and for her partnership.

From the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (1/29/25):
“Thank you to all that attended DOER’s second Town Hall on Monday, January 27, 2025 on Zoom. As a reminder, the slides from the Town Hall are on DOER’s website in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional), Vietnamese, and Haitian Creole. A video recording of the Town Hall along with interpretations and Q&A from the Town Hall will be posted soon.
“DOER is accepting written public comments on the Town Hall until 5 PM on Monday, February 17, 2025. Comments may be submitted to All comments will be posted publicly on DOER’s website. Comments may respond to these questions:
– What do you think DOER’s priorities should be?
– Do you have feedback on DOER’s plans for 2025?
– How do DOER programs impact you?
– Was there anything you learned today about which you’d like to learn more?
– Do you have any recommendations for DOER’s future public engagement?”
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Public Comment Period Opens on FirstLight Hydroelectric Relicensing and on the issuance of the Draft Water Quality Certification. Public comment period runs from January 24 – February 24, 2025
This matter could potentially impact the Connecticut River and the towns that line its banks, and those whose towns include tributaries from it.
After months and years, this issue is heading into its final prcedural laps.
draft of the FirstLight water quality certification was published last week by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, representing a significant step forward in the relicensing process. A comment period began on January 24th and will remain open until February 24th to allow for residents of the Commonwealth to make their voices heard. You can engage in public comment by submitting comments electronically, hard copy, or in a hybrid hearing.
To read the report, click here.
Directions to Submit Comment: Written comments will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on February 24, 2025 by email to: Emails must include “FirstLight 401 WQC” in the subject line.
If you prefer to send comments on paper, mail them to: Elizabeth Stefanik, Attn: FirstLight 401WQC, MassDEP-BWR, 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900, Boston, MA 02114.
Participate in the Hybrid Public Hearing on MassDEP DRAFT WQC: An official hybrid public hearing on the draft WQC decision is scheduled for February 19, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. The hearing will take place at at the Cohn Family Dining Commons, Greenfield Community College, One College Drive, Greenfield, MA.
(Please note the public hearings are solely for the purpose of MassDEP receiving public comments, not engaging in dialogue or a question-and-answer session with the public.) As the hearing is hybrid, members of the public can participate in-person or remotely. Registration is required for remote participation in the public hearing, here.