H.1137: An Act to strengthen the control of contagious and infectious diseases in the Commonwealth
(Filed in the Senate by Senator Julian Cyr as SD.805)
Putting lessons learned into practice. This bill prohibits cost-sharing and other financial and systemic barriers for health care services related to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of contagious or infectious diseases that are deemed by the Department of Public Health to be of “heightened public health importance.” By improving access to care, outbreaks of contagious and infectious diseases will be better contained, controlled and stopped.

H.2401: An Act providing for safe and consensual sensitive examinations
(Filed with Representative Kim Ferguson and in the Senate by Senator Jo Comerford as SD.860)
This bill prohibits performing or supervising the performance of pelvic, breast, genital, prostate, or rectal exams on anesthetized or unconscious patients without first obtaining written informed consent, unless the exam is immediately required for the patient’s care. It also provides patients with the right to request and have a medical chaperone who can act as a third-party witness during the exam. This bill ensures that patients have full knowledge and control over what happens to their bodies in medical settings.

H.2399: An Act to improve access to health care for people with Long COVID
Filed with Representative Decker and in the Senate by Senator Miranda as SD.2322
This bill would create a patient navigation pilot program to assist people with Long COVID in gaining information, making initial connections with healthcare providers, finding referrals, scheduling appointments, and optimizing insurance coverage. It would also help to connect people with social services to address issues like transportation, housing insecurity, and unemployment assistance.

H.2400: An Act measuring the impact of Long COVID in the Commonwealth
(Filed with Representative Marjorie Decker and in the Senate by Senator Liz Miranda as SD.1431)
This bill would require the Department of Public Health to establish Long COVID data surveillance in the Commonwealth. Collecting and assessing this information will increase our understanding of the impact of the disease on our residents and communities, and provide insight into the need for information, services, and professional training to meet the needs of this health issue.

H.2205: An Act expanding loan repayment assistance for primary care physicians
(Filed in the Senate by Senator Jo Comerford as SD.1224)
The MA Repay Program currently offers repayment assistance to primary care physicians who agree to spend at least two years working in underserved areas. This bill would expand program eligibility, helping additional providers qualify for loan repayment assistance and encouraging them to enter and remain in the healthcare workforce. This bill would also make those who commit to four years eligible for loan forgiveness. This legislation helps to address the shortage of primary care physicians in our state and supports equal access to healthcare.

H.2658: An Act An act to provide reproductive health care to incarcerated individuals
(Co-filed with Representative Jay Livingstone)
This bill requires that contraceptive services, including reversible birth control methods and emergency contraception, be available to all incarcerated individuals free of charge and without coercion or undue barriers. Any incarcerated person seeking an abortion who is eligible under state law will be able to obtain one. This bill removes barriers to health care for individuals who might otherwise be unable to access contraceptive services and protects their right to choose whether or not to have or continue a pregnancy.

H.2402: An Act relative to the board of registration in naturopathy,
(Filed in the Senate by Senator Pat Jehlen as SD.1038)
Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It embraces many therapies, including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional counseling to achieve whole patient wellness. This bill makes technical corrections to the statute that governs its practice in the Commonwealth, in order to ensure that all practitioners have passed standardized examinations, and to clarify which medications naturopaths can and cannot prescribe.