H.223: An Act relative to a livable wage for human services workers
(Filed in the Senate by Senator Cindy Friedman as SD1201)
This bill supports a liveable wage for workers who provide critical services and seeks to elevate the state’s overall system of care by requiring the state executive offices that pay human service providers to increase their reimbursement rates until the salaries of human service workers in the public sector match those of direct care workers employed by state-operated programs.

H.3318: An Act to increase access to menstrual products in public buildings
(Filed in the Senate bny Senator Jason Lewis as SD.1177)
This bill would require all public buildings in the Commonwealth and all public institutions of higher education in Massachusetts to provide free menstrual products in their buildings in an accessible and stigma-free manner.

H.2390: An Act expanding access to hygiene products
(Co-filed with Representative Marjorie Decker)
This bill would create a task force to study the feasibility of including basic hygiene products including but not limited to deodorant, diapers, menstrual products, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, and toothpaste, in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. The commission would conduct an analysis of hygiene insecurity in the Commonwealth and survey efforts to combat hygiene insecurity in order to make recommendations about further initiatives.

H.220: An Act establishing a diaper benefits pilot program
(Filed with Representative Simon Cataldo and filed in the Senate by Senator Joan Lovely as SD.1378)
This bill creates a pilot program under which DPH would issue an RFP for diaper banks, food banks, and food pantries to provide diapers to low-income parents to address diaper need and diaper insufficiency.

H.221: Resolve providing for an investigation by a special commission relative to the feasibility of a diaper allowance
(Filed with Representative Simon Cataldo and in the Senate by Senator Sal DiDomenico as SD.2308.)
This bill would create a special commission to study diaper need and the feasibility of including a diaper allowance in the Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children program, similar to the clothing allowance it already provides.