H.2403: An Act establishing the human service transportation (HST) consumer advisory board
(Filed in the Senate by Senator Robyn Kennedy as SD.1691)
The bill creates a Human Service Transportation (HST) consumer advisory board to ensure that consumers of the non-emergency human service transportation system (PT-1) have a formal opportunity and process to share concerns, experiences, and insights and suggestions for improvements.

H.3655 An Act facilitating better interactions between police officers and persons with autism spectrum disorder
(filed with Representative Garballey and filed in the Senate by Senator Comerford as SD.853)
This bill would create a system to make blue envelopes, documents including written guidance for law enforcement on how to effectively communicate with a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), voluntarily available to drivers with ASD by the RMV, police stations and other locations. This, coupled with appropriate training, will help law enforcement to use the necessary skills to make these interactions safer and more successful. The State Police began providing these envelopes in 2024 with great success.This bill would put this program in statute and require the RMV to implement the program across the commonwealth.

H1360: An Act relative to preventing discrimination against persons with disabilities in the provision of health care
(filed with Representative Howard, and filed in the Senate by Senator Gomez as SD.1130)
This bill would prohibit any healthcare provider from withholding medical treatment from an individual with a disability or chronic health condition based on the assumption that their disability makes their life less valuable. It would also prohibit healthcare providers from deprioritizing people with disabilities in the distribution of resources during a crisis. Finally, it protects those individuals with disabilities from being pressured into signing Do Not Resuscitate orders.

H.3335: An Act relating to public access to historical records
(co-filed with Representative Sean Garballey)
We don’t know what we don’t know. This bill would make all records held by the Secretary of State from state institutions for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities open to the public 75 years after the creation of the record. This legislation allows the stories of many people with disabilities who were in the state’s care to be known, allowing all of us to better understand our Commonwealth’s history.