H.819: An Act relative to random placement for candidate names and removal of incumbent information on primary and state ballots
This bill requires that candidates appear in a random order, perhaps selected by lottery, on the ballot and removes the term “candidate running for re-election” from the ballot. This is in order to ensure fairness for all candidates. Massachusetts is the only state that lists incumbents first in state elections.

H.1138: An Act to increase health insurer reporting transparency
(HD2587, Domb/SD1556, Lovely) This bill would require the Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA) to include information it receives from insurance carriers and the Division of Insurance in its annual report, make this information publicly available on the Center’s website, and consequently, increase transparency for healthcare consumers and researchers. This information would include medical and administrative expenses, medical loss ratios, and reserves and surpluses.

H.3328: An Act relative to virtual meetings of appointed statewide public bodies
(co-filed with Representative Farley-Bouvier) This bill would allow any member of an appointed statewide public body to attend any meeting remotely and ensure that they are considered present for all purposes, including voting and determining a quorum. It also ensures that such virtual meetings are open and accessible to the public. Virtual meetings are an important way in which the state can extend participation, especially to people with disabilities, those without access to reliable transportation, and residents of remote areas like western Massachusetts.

H.3428: An Act enhancing the effectiveness of nonprofits’ core mission work through full cost funding
(co-filed with Representative Vargas) This bill would ensure that nonprofits receiving contract or grant funding from the state or a combination of state and non-federal sources receive adequate reimbursement for their indirect costs, in addition to the funding they receive for the specific services they provide. Indirect costs include but are not limited to rent, utilities, and administration—necessary expenses besides what goes directly into services provided. Being able to meet these expenses is vital for the survival and success of nonprofits. Giving nonprofits this funding ensures that they have the capacity to meet the needs of our communities.